SSL Mural Fest 2023
FEEBEE’s Salt Lake Sally mural while it was mid-progress.
In May 2023 I had the privilege of working as one of three mural fest apprentices during South Salt Lake’s Mural Fest.
I worked with FEEBEE (an artist based in Austin, TX) on 95 W Robert Ave, doing large fills of color as needed. She arrived Monday, did layout on that night, started with full painitng days on Tuesday, and finished the mural on Friday with a protective anti-graffit/UV coating.
Things I learned:
Operating a lift is exactly as fun as it looks.
Spray paint is super effective on a highly textured wall.
Tape your straight-edge, it makes it so much easier to clean. (FEEBEE was a master of that straight edge)
Even the artists I look up to get rejected, sometimes more than once from the same event.
Community is everything. Art + community is transcendent.
Even down to the nitty-gritty it was an 11/10 experience.
I want to say I lucked out with FEEBEE, she was a beautiful artist to work under, but all the artists involved in the mural fest showcased remarkable generosity, humor, and kindness. Observing their processes and witnessing their positive engagement with the South Salt Lake community was inspiring.
Moreover, I was amazed by the very intentional efforts of the Mural Fest coordinators. Their support, guidance, and encouragement were invaluable. They ensured everyone's well-being, communicated effectively through emails and group texts, and fostered connections among artists during downtime. I gained valuable insights into project management and people skills from their dedicated approach. Their genuine care for artists and the community was evident throughout.
So, here's to more murals in the future! If you want to liven up your space, interior or exterior, with a mural, feel free to reach out. I'm eager to contribute my skills and passion. You won't be disappointed!
Watch a video of my experience on my Instagram here.